Strip Miters: Making the Right Connections

Miters join two gutters together around a corner. Generally the place where leaks will most likely form, the miter should be properly sealed and hung high to keep as little water running around the corner as possible.

All miters must be sealed using appropriate gutter sealant.

A hand-tabbed, or custom, miter connects two pieces of gutter together with “tabs” that overlap each gutter on the inside.

Box miters are a single corner piece that attach two gutter runs, requiring two seams to be fastened and sealed.

A strip miter is a narrow piece of aluminum with a 90 degree bend, that fits over the gutter seam and screws or rivets into both gutters.

Bay miters are similar to strip miters except with a 45 degree bend instead of 90 degrees.

IS Box, OS Strip, and OS Bay Miters

(LEFT) Box miters are the easiest to install since the gutter can be cut square. (CENTER) Strip miters give a clean, professional look. Both gutters must be cut at a 45 degree angle. (RIGHT) Gutters must be cut at 22.5 degrees to get the proper fit for the bay miter.

Installing Strip Miters

While rain gutters are subject to thermal expansion and settling of new home constructions, proper installation of miters can help reduce the effects of heat buckling.

Miter installation

When flashing is on the house, bend it slightly away from the fascia, to slide the gutter behind it.

At the Machine

  • With the gutter machine loaded, jog the coil all the way through until the end is resting at the first run out stand.
  • Cut the gutter at a 45 degree angle.
  • Secure the miter to the back side of the gutter only. Doing so at this time will make it easier to fit the next piece of gutter into the miter. This will also allow for adjustments to be made without creating additional stresses on the gutter.

On the ladder

  • Attach the gutter with strip miter to the building, with a slope towards the downspout.
  • Attach the next run of gutter to the building. Align the edge of the gutters so the strip miter covers both edges equally.
  • Fasten the miter to the front and back of gutters (and the bottom if necessary).

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